On the 28th (KST), Day 1 of the Mid Season Cup took place at LoL Park and the LPL Arena, respectively located in Seoul and Shanghai. With teams in Group A all having a 1-1 record, FPX was able to punch the very first ticket into the semifinals by taking down DAMWON Gaming in the 5th series of the day.
Doinb was named the Player of the Game, and joined the official broadcast for an interview.
Now that FPX is headed to the semifinals, you’re going to be playing Blind Pick for the first time. Are you excited for it?
Personally, I’m excited to play Blind Pick for the first time in my pro career, but I don’t think it benefits us too much. LCK teams have experience playing Blind Pick, so it’ll be much more advantageous for them. However, we have a bigger Champion pool, so I believe we’ll do alright.
FPX tried to backdoor DWG’s Nexus. Can you tell us about the in-game calls during then?
We were in a tough spot at the time, where DWG’s minion wave in the bot lane was in their favor. Then, we had a good teamfight, and as we were splitpushing the top lane, we told ourselves to stop their recalls. After that, I teleported and won the game.
What was it like playing against Faker and ShowMaker?
I did feel pressured against the two players, because not only did they look very strong in the past Spring split, I’ve also gotten solo killed by them before. Still, I was very lucky to not only get solo killed a lot, but also get solo killed by Knight.
Is it true that the CEO of FPX is going to take you to the Gobi Desert?
I’ve never heard of anything like that. I don’t know anything about it (laughter).
If you did end up going to the desert, who would you want to go with?
Absolutely no one.
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