2020 is the year of redemption for the Head Coach of Gen.G, Choi "Edgar" Woo-beom, as Gen.G heads into the LCK finals after 2,164 days.
Gen.G has not played in the LCK finals since 2015. Not only was getting 1st place in the regular season seemed intangible for a long time, they always lost in the LCK playoffs and fell before they could get to the finals. Last year was a terrible year for Gen.G, as they even failed to make it to the LoL World Championship.
However, this year, they turned things around completely, as they placed 1st in the regular season to head directly to the finals. Although the process of getting to where they are now wasn’t easy, they made it happen through hard work and determination. Edgar shared the moment when Gen.G locked in their spot in the finals. “When Ruler started crying, I almost cried as well, but I think I was more happy that we were able to come in 1st place by winning the game that was seemingly lost”.
How did Edgar see this year’s playoffs from the top of the mountain? He commented, “If DragonX won the first game vs T1, I believe that the series would’ve been a lot more interesting. However, I still knew that T1 was going to beat DRX and be our opponent in the finals, and I personally preferred it that way. T1 is a team that we absolutely have to overcome, and I really want to prove that they’re not as indestructible as they seem to be in the finals”. As T1 were the opponents that Gen.G faced in the Worlds finals of 2016 and 17, Edgar seemed more determined than ever.
In terms of the matchup, Edgar commented, “I think we’re going to bring all our cards to the table. We’ll make sure to strictly adhere and execute what we’ve prepared. The Mid-Jungle duo matchup will be the key point of the series, as they’re the key point that determines how the early-mid game will go.
Lastly, Edgar commented, “It’s been a while since our team played in the LCK finals, and regardless or the result, our goal is to play without regrets”.
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