T1 head coach Kim Jeong-soo expressed his determination going into the finals of the 2020 League of Legends Champions Korea Spring Split. T1 will be facing Gen.G on the 25th (KST) for the spring championship.
Last Wednesday, T1 defeated DragonX in the second round of the playoffs to reach the finals. Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the league had been altered to a very busy schedule. T1 has to fight in the finals with only two days rest.
“The players’ conditions are alright. Although the schedule is very hectic, we were well aware that it would be busy. They all have enough experience playing this way,” started coach Kim, “It’s not quite enough to prepare something extraordinary, but it’s not that bad.”
T1 had a 2-0 record against Gen.G during the regular season of the spring split. When asked if this gives confidence to the team, Kim answered, “The players feel positive about it. I think they feel partially comfortable because of that.”
Even with the positive record, coach Kim was still very alert. “Gen.G is a very good team, so it won’t be easy. In both the matches we won, it was really difficult. I don’t think it would go one-sided in any way. Apart from the set score, the games will be very tense.”
Kim picked mid-jungle as key points of the match. “Gen.G snowballs well through their mid-jungle synergy. If we fall behind here, it could be really difficult. We would need to fight back.”
“Usually, people talk about the top, mid, and jungle, but we have Teddy in bot lane,” said coach Kim, showing faith in his bot laner. “We always think Teddy will win in bot, whoever his matchup is.”
T1 played some surprise picks such as Graves, Bard, and Maokai during the playoffs. When asked if we can expect these unique picks, coach Kim answered, “There are still more that haven’t appeared yet and we’ll continue our attempts. There’s no pick we can’t utilize. We’ll have colorful drafts according to the situation.”
Lastly, he expressed his determination on going to the finals in his first split in T1. “This is my first finals in such a decorated team as T1. When I first got here, there were a lot of trophies. I’ll do my best to add another to the collection.”
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