Cloud9 finally reclaimed the League of Legends Championship Series throne after nearly six years without a title, becoming the most dominant team in LCS history after only losing two games between the regular season and playoffs combined. They received First All Pro Team across all 5 positions, as well as Coach of the Split by head coach, Bok "Reapered" Han-gyu, who spoke with us after their Finals victory.
Due to the mandatory isolation during the chaos of the coronavirus, the LCS Playoffs were played online, out of the studio, and without a crowd cheering on the victors as they hoisted the trophy. "Don't get me wrong, I'm happy," Reapered exclaimed, "but I don't feel THAT happy." Of course, with how dominant Cloud9 were this Spring, they can hope for a rerun this Summer with a chance of a broken quarantine and echoes of "C9! C9! C9!" throughout a giant stadium.
Reapered is really proud of himself and the team, especially with how they shifted the culture this year. Moreso than their roster changes, they reexamined their culture this off-season to secure a path back to being title holders. "We had a lot of meetings, talking about the culture... That is what worked so well to make us [this strong]."
However, he didn't expect this Spring to work out as well as it did. "At the beginning, we were not that insane of a team... We had a lot of problems." But largely due to their culture shift and hard work - as well as a possibly weakened region - they were able to reclaim (and then immediately break) the trophy.
And as far as Cloud9's strength outside of NA, it's impossible to really tell, but a lot of viewers claim C9 is only strong because of NA's overall strength, which Reapered disagrees with. "I don't think we'd get s*** on by them... What I'd expect against G2 or Fnatic - well, I'm not to sure actually, I can't say... But I'd like to say we'd just s*** on them, hahaha!"
Watch the full interview of Reapered below, and hear more on what he has to say about C9's performance throughout Spring Split.
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