Riot Games released VALORANT on closed beta less than two weeks ago. The game has had an astronomical impact on the online gaming community, bringing the audience to closely watch the game’s streams in hopes for a key drop so they too could join the game. With the flair of CS:GO and mix of tactical abilities, the game developers enforced that the primary method of dealing damage would be through shooting. Players have started to question the integrity of this statement looking at the demolition expert Raze’s ability kit.

The goal was to ensure every ability has its counterplay, but when it comes to Raze, it is very clear that her ultimate, The Showstopper, is simply too powerful. VALORANT community members have complained about the offensive pressure created by her rocket launcher, prompting a wave of outrage, with “delete Raze” as the catchphrase.
VALORANT developer Trevor “Classick” Romleski talked to IGN about the character’s philosophy and her purpose in the game: “We have definitely seen some existential questions about Raze, like why would a character like this be in VALORANT [...] When we are talking about balance, that is something I am less worried about because we can tune numbers and find the right values for Raze so she is not a bust pick in every composition.”
The developer confirmed that Raze’s kit is being currently looked at right now to ensure that her balance is in the right place. He then explains that her abilities, although powerful, often do not kill the opponent, meaning that they have to get out of their comfort zone and reposition for combat. Raze forces you to immediately move out of the spot you are at, or the damage may be too high and kill you. “It is not our intention that the majority of the time you throw a grenade you get a kill with it”, adds Romleski.
“We will be watching, please continue to give us feedback, and we will continue to adjust as necessary. We think right now we like what this character can bring to the game and with some adjustments and the community adapting to these adjustments overall it will be a great thing”
In case you have missed, this week, every VALORANT stream has started to drop beta keys for the game. Head over to Twitch, watch your favorite streamer and hop in to get nuked by Raze before she gets nuked herself.
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