After a dominating second half of the split, Cloud9 Academy climbed through the 2020 League of Legends Championship Series Academy League Spring Playoffs and beat out Evil Geniuses Academy in a clean 3-0 sweep to take the title. Each game was competitive, but Cloud9 was also clearly in control throughout the series.
While Evil Geniuses Academy had it's moments, the incredible tanking and engaging ability from Cloud9's top laner, Ibrahim "Fudge" Allami combined with just as impressive flanking from Cristian "Palafox" Palafox was too much for EGA to handle. Time after time, when there was potential for a won team fight for EGA, Fudge would find the perfect engage and Palafox would come in for cleanup.
That's not to undervalue the rest of the team, however, as Rami "Inori" Charagh, Calvin "K1ng" Truong, and David "Diamond" Bérubé also played incredibly well. Inori provided strong pressure for his laners and the bot duo had a great read on their counterparts. Overall, Cloud9 teamfought better and worked the map better, and claimed the title as deserved.
The Cloud9 main team play in the LCS Finals this coming Sunday, where they will face the victor of the Loser's Finals between FlyQuest and Evil Geniuses, presenting an opportunity for a mirrored Finals if EG take the win. Check out more esports news and content on our Twitter below.
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