On the 26th (KST), T1 took on APK Prince in Round 2 of the 2020 LCK Spring. With a set score of 2-0, T1 took down APK in a dominating fashion. Choi “Ellim” El-lim took over Jungler duties for T1, and made his debut in the LCK today. Despite a game-breaking bug that affected Game 2 to be delayed for over an hour, T1 was able to close out the series in a dominating fashion.
Lee “Faker” Sang-hyeok and Choi “Ellim” El-lim were selected as POG for Game 1 and 2 respectively, and joined the broadcast for a post-match interview.
Congratulations on the victory. How do you feel?
Ellim: Thank you. I’m not happy with the couple of small mistakes I made, but I’m glad that we won.
What are you holding there, Faker?
Faker: Our team selects our own MVP. This belt is a bit heavy, but I still feel very good. I think that this belt holds more meaning than the aesthetic aspects of it. It’s pretty heavy, but I work out these days, so my joints are fine.
Ellim, you said that you really wanted to receive POG. How was the match today?
Ellim: Did I say that? I guess so. Although I wasn’t feeling pressured, I was a bit nervous. Things worked out well though.
Your synergy with Canna was great. How do you rate your synergy with him?
Ellim: I always duo with Canna, but I’m currently unsure on how well we synergize. It’s not perfect just yet.
Faker, what do you think Ellim’s strong points are?
Faker: He’s a rookie, so he’s full of spirit. He’s very cute.
Ellim: I like how he assessed me just now.
Game 1 was very fast paced. Did the game play out the way you wanted?
Ellim: My teammates set up ganks really well, so it was really easy.
Faker: Instead of thinking about the pace of the game, we make the plays that we can make. We believed that playing at a fast pace would benefit our team very well, so I think that’s why the game seemed very fast.
There was a long pause. As a rookie, it must’ve been hard for Ellim to cope with it.
Faker: During the match, Ellim told me that he was hungry. I wanted to give him some chocolate, but since today’s match was Ellim’s debut match, he declined it because he seemed a bit nervous. I wanted to help him in such a way. It’s been a while since I had a game this long since that 94 minute game (vs. Jin Air), so it wasn’t easy.
Ellim said he was hungry, so what do you want to eat the most right now?
Ellim: I really want some Gukbap (translates to Rice Soup, which is a dish eaten by putting a bowl of rice inside some soup).
Faker, what are your thoughts on Azir’s elevated tier in competitive play?
Faker: I can play all champions really well, so I’m not particularly thrilled about it. To be honest, it doesn’t really matter.
How did you feel watching the video on you achieving 2000 kills in the LCK?
Faker: I was satisfied with the quality of the video. Today was my first time watching it, and it was really good. Our team’s videography team is also very good at their job, but it seems that the team in charge of making this video has many talented people as well.
Today’s debut match wasn’t easy, so can you share some words of resolution to your fans?
Ellim: I made my debut today in the LCK, but it feels like I still have many things to improve upon, so I’ll improve on such things and make sure that I can contribute greatly to the team. Thank you.
A word from you as well, Faker?
Faker: Today’s our first day back after a hiatus, so I’ll make sure to continue winning to be first place in the standings again. The Coronavirus is still very active, so I hope that everyone stays safe. Please be healthy.
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