Despite there being no official games for both the LEC and LCS this past weekend, both pro players and casters alike showed up for work, creating custom in-houses with dream teams and meme teams to provide some necessary entertainment for the fans stuck at home. Not only did the beloved 2017 TSM get back together, but there was lane swapping galore, a whole lot of missed smites, unfiltered casts, and much more.
It all started when both regions had their games canceled in order to protect players' health as much as possible during the rapidly spreading coronavirus throughout Berlin, LA, and the rest of the world. It ended in a culmination of incredibly silly, yet simultaneously high-level gameplay, in a sort of grassroots All-Star feel. Teams came up with funky, mashed names, and the actual LEC and LCS casters went on to stream the games, leaving no holds barred, providing the true Monday Night League feel we could have hoped for.
Many of the pros streamed the games from their own channels, so go search through your favorite pros' vods and see if they have any available. Otherwise, check out Ovilee, Captain Flowers, and Ender's content for the replays!
For more updates on future inhouses and LEC/LCS updates, please follow our Twitter below.

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