A popular Korean singer announced a song about League of Legends. Jang Bum-Jun, a Korean folk singer-songwriter, made a song called "Silver Pantheon".
Sliver Pantheon, which is also the name of his League of Legends account, is a story of his own experiences in Silver solo queue. In the song, he revealed that he was stuck in Silver for several months and wanted to Platinum using his favorite skin, Baker Pantheon.
He also talks about the origin of this song as well. After talking with Lee "Cloudtemplar" Hyun-woo, the caster for LCK, Cloudtemplar was convinced that Jang Bum-Jun will never reach Gold tier at his current level. Feeling very disappointed, he went on a four-game losing streak and decided to write this song.
The following are the lyrics of the song, Silver Pantheon.
I was stuck in Silver 3~4 tier for several months.
But I said I want to reach Platinum.
Above the Silver(tier), through the Gold(tier), I'll reach Platinum with Pantheon.
I’ll macro well as Baker Pantheon and reach Platinum.
Let's roll the snowball with Pantheon Mid.
Push the lane, Using Ult on the bot lane, I'll roam there in time for Dragon.
I still live in Silver 3~4 tier.
Everyone told me I’ll never even reach Gold.
But I pushed the lane, then roamed to top lane being pushed back.
And I got solo killed by the enemy who got a double kill in under 3 min.
Let's roll the snowball with Pantheon Mid.
Push the lane, Using Ult on the bot lane, I'll roam there in time for Dragon.
Why did I pick Pantheon, what's the reason to roam.
I should've focused on my lane with Garen or Renekton.
I'll play Garen, I'll play Master Yi in Jungle.
I'll turn off chat.
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