G2 Esports has proven to get its strategy back on track, facing SK Gaming and Vitality this past weekend, turning their rocky road into a 2-0 once again. Top Laner Martin "Wunder" Nordahl Hansen joined us to talk about the team’s performance, team synergy and Caps’ humor.
After talking to Jankos yesterday, and we talked about the G2 slump and how he can’t stand losing, and he hates it when it happens. I heard that you are the most chill member of G2, is that so?
Of the group, I would say so, but it’s really hard to tell what that even means because we are all so…
What is the process like for you, then?
I think it depends on how we lose. When we lose to, well, I wouldn’t call it a bad team, but a team that is low in the standings and being smashed by everyone, then it sucks.It’s not as big of a stake as playing Fnatic, then we really have to beat them, which was very different from playing against Schalke. It’s Spring Split, that’s one of the main reasons why we lost some games, but we just got to go through it. Of course it sucks after a loss, but it’s games like these, there’s no way a team like ours could go undefeated, as it’s been proven in the last couple of splits.
Also, I have heard that you are the biggest troll in the team…
The biggest troll? Probably Caps is one of them, but he just has really odd humor.
Odd like how?
Kind of like Caps Dad humor, you know?
Do you think he inherited his humor from his dad?
Yeah, for sure. *laughs* Caps is one of the biggest trolls, but we all troll around and have a lot of fun too.
I wanted to specifically point our that at a press conference interview at MSI last year, you grabbed the mic on your way out and basically Kanye Wested your way to send a “shoutout to KT Rolster and Jin Air GW”
*laughs* That was just me making fun of them. That was the flame of the month, since people thought that KT and Jin Air would beat us, that was the meme at that time, so of course we all made fun of it. So I am for sure one of the trolls.
You guys seem to be so close. Why do you think the chemistry between you guys at G2 is so strong?
We just all get along pretty well and we all have a lot of respect for each other. We have been doing our thing in esports for a long time, so we are confident and believe in ourselves. This makes us not stress out so much, so those super stressful days don’t really get to us. Our team atmosphere is really good.
Now, talking about the upcoming weeks, are you excited about the Sona buff in 10.5?
Oooh yeah. I saw that. She also got nerfed before, similarly to Soraka, where you have to be near someone, get the effect and heal someone, so that was kind of sad because I wanted to play these champs a bit more. I also was not that useful with Sona.
Okay. If this buff had been up in 10.3, do you think you could have won lane against the Misfits in that match?
I think Sona can for sure carry games, but if you have an 0/9 AD Carry, the better Bot Lane wins. Hopefully next time against Misfits I can pull out Sona again and it should be pretty fun.
After you played Soraka 3 times, a fan brought you a banana for you to sign…
I think it was actually a Fnatic fan, right?

Yeah, he was painted all in red, too… What was it like to receive that “gift”?
It’s just funny, you know? Usually at fan meets they like to say “ok, please play this champ” or “bring back this champion”, and last year we let some fans pick some champions, it’s not always something we follow, but it’s really funny when they get creative and come up with like, a banana as a sign of thinking I am a good Soraka. I’m not sure that’s what he meant, though...
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