This is the full text of Highschoolesportsleague's 11/2/2017 press release.
Friday Night Lights, it’s 4th down, 30 seconds left in the 4th quarter, and your team is down 25-20. All the pressure is on your shoulders to lift your team over the opponent. Now Imagine, Saturday Night Lights, it’s a base race, two nexus turrets down, and your team needs a hero. The team is on your back, ready to be carried over the enemy. Are you gonna be that hero? Are you gonna be that carry?
The High School Esports League provides high school students with the perfect opportunity to let their video game skills shine, allowing the students to flourish in game, build vital teamwork skills, and develop critical decision-making skills. While the societal stigma on video games often leads people to deeming them as lazy, negative, and unhelpful, in reality, the gaming environment allows people to gain important skills necessary to the rest of life, some of them being: losing gracefully, meaningful interaction with a team, and practicing in high pressure situations.
Signing up for the league is extremely simple. Head over to and follow the on-screen instructions. The whole process is quick and painless, utilizing Toornament to organize teams and team members based on email address and account info. The league is comprised of CS:GO, League of Legends, and Overwatch sub leagues, where teams compete against other players of the same game. The sign-up deadline is February 20th, so before your next game, hop onto and sign up!
The regular season for this upcoming split lasts from March 3rd until May 20th, while the playoffs run from May 27th-June 6th. Matches will be played every Saturday, with some games even being streamed and casted on!
The League has continued to grow since its inception in 2014, increasing to over 125 teams last year! With growth of player base, comes growth of the prize pool! This year the prize pool consists of in-game currency, other gift cards, swag/gear, AND partial scholarships to Lourdes University that can be coupled with other financial aid opportunities there (excluding CS:GO).
The most important thing to take away from all of this--besides the helpful life skills, fun competition, and insane prizes-- is our mission: To provide an organized high school level e-Sports league, in a comfortable environment with healthy competition. We believe that e-Sports should be available to every student as a legitimate varsity level sport in high schools across the nation.
More information on this is available at
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