Wednesday morning, CLG tweeted out that former mid laner, Eugene "Pobelter" Park, would be re-joining the team as starting mid laner after a 1-7 start to the season. He will replace Lee "Crown" Min-ho, former World Champion, but who has not performed to expectation at the start of the split, especially after visa issues kept him from the team until just a couple days before opening weekend.
Pobelter most recently played for FlyQuest in 2019, but was originally on Team Liquid in 2020, acting as positional coach after not finding a team this off season. Then, amidst multiple visa issues, he prepared himself to step in as a substitute jungler. Shern "Shernfire" Cherng Tai came in on time to relieve Pobelter of his substitute duties, but he will now take the stage as mid for CLG.

CLG has confirmed with Inven Global that Pobelter is fully signed to the team, not just on loan. CLG has not provided any specific reasoning for the swap. We will update with more information upon reception.
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