On Sunday, T1 faced off against Gen.G in the 2020 LCK Spring split. With a set score of 2-1, T1 took down Gen.G to continue their climb higher in the standings. Although Game 2 was a suffocating defeat, Park “Teddy” Jin-seong showed prowess on Miss Fortune to not only lead his team into victory but earn Player of the Game (PoG) for Game 3.
The bot laner for T1, Teddy, joined the press room to talk about the victory, Akali, and his resolution for T1's next matchup, DRX.
Thoughts on the victory?
Because Gen.G was on a three-game win streak, I was worried about our match tonight, but I’m glad that we won.
Thought process behind leaving Akali open in Game 1 and 2?
In Game 1 and 2, we were confident that our solo laners could fare [well] against Akali, but in Game 3, the team comp that we were going to draft required us to ban Akali.
Can you talk about your loss in Game 2?
I think that the Diana pick was a mistake. Also, if I took Doran’s shield instead of Doran’s Blade, I think the laning phase might’ve played out differently, potentially transitioning into a win.
How does it feel to defeat your former teammate, Clid?
We also beat him Clid during the KeSPA Cup, and although he’s a friend that I got close to over the past year, the fact that I got to beat him feels pretty good.
In your opinion, how complete do you think your new roster is?
I think our teamwork is good and is continuing to improve, and apart from little things here and there that we need to work on, I’d say that the team's about 60% of where we’d like to be.
Your next opponent is DRX, a team that’s on a four-game win streak.
Since they’re on a four-game win streak, we’ll need to prepare really hard to beat them. Also, they’re really good at coming back when behind, so we won’t get complacent until the very end.
Anything you’d like to say to your fans?
Today, there was a lot of snow, and although there would be people that don’t like snow, it felt really nice to watch snowfall. Just like how I felt while watching the snow, I hope that all of you also feel joy in watching our games.
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