On the 13th (KST), DragonX took down Hanwha Life Esports in week 2 of the 2020 LCK Spring split. Despite HLE drafting a very weird team composition in game 1, DRX proved that there’s a reason why Tryndamere hasn’t been drafted by teams in over 2,155 days in the LCK.
After the match, the jungler for DRX, Hong “Pyosik” Chang-hyeon joined Inven Global to talk about the victory and his preferred playstyle.
You must be very happy about the clean 2-0 victory. How do you feel?
I’m really happy that I got carried tonight.
The opponent pulled out Tryndamere tonight, and I feel like you must’ve been confused. How did you react to it?
Although I was a bit confused, CuVee usually plays very off-meta picks, so I just went, ‘What the…’ and that’s it. After that, I just played the way I normally play.
Do you feel that it’s a team composition that you’ll see often?
I don’t think anyone else will pull a comp like that against our team.
DragonX has been performing well recently. What do you think is the reason behind the team’s good performance?
Our head coach, cvMax, is really good at picking out the things that seem wrong. Deft, just like a seasoned veteran, taught me a lot in the macro aspects of things. I think Deft’s really good at rotations and macro.
Despite things being seemingly rocky during KeSPA Cup, you seem to be performing more steadily in the league. Is there anything that changed?
At the time, there wasn’t enough time to prepare for the matches, and it hasn’t been long since I learned how to actually play a 5 vs 5 game, so I felt like an amateur. But now, since I now have the fundamentals down, I think I’m better than how I was during KeSPA Cup.
Do you feel like you’ve really become a pro?
Compared to how I was back then, definitely.
After the matches, you look into the camera and do this odd ceremony. What’s the story behind it?
They shove the camera into my face, so under the pressure, I unconsciously feel the need to do something.

So do you always think about it and do something in those situations?
No, it changes depending on the mood I’m in.
This is your very first split in the LCK, so you must feel very nervous. Is there anyone that helped you/gave you advice in helping overcome nerves or helped you regain your mental composure?
I never lost my mental composure, so I’m not too sure in that regard. In terms of nerves, I just tell myself that I’ll get used to things after a while. I don’t think there’s anyone specific that helps me in that sense.
As a rookie jungler, how would you describe your playstyle? Is there a jungler that you look up to?
I don’t think I have a particular jungler I look up to. Although I can pretty much play every single playstyle, I prefer to scale into the later stages of the game and carry the game on my own.
So champions like Graves…
I prefer aggressive champions like that, but it’s not like I can’t play other champions.
However, at the moment, the meta isn’t like that.
Yes. That’s why I switched things up and played Olaf and Jarvan tonight. Although I did make a mistake as Jarvan in game 2, but I feel like I didn’t play too bad overall.
Through various methods, I know that DRX is actively communicating with the fans, and the team’s following grew pretty large. Is there a specific moment where you feel grateful towards the fans?
I’m always grateful, but when I read the fan comments on a Youtube video saying they’ll always cheer me on, I feel especially grateful.
You’ve never met them in real life, right?
No, because the matches are held without spectators, there are no fan meet and greets. That’s why I’m really thankful for those that leave comments on videos.
How do you think you’ll feel in a fan meet?
I’m not too sure. Although I held one in the past, I never had one at LoL Park.
Deft performed exceptionally well tonight. What kind of person do you think he is?
He’s an older brother figure that always treats me well. Whether it’s in-game or outside the game, he treats his teammates really well.
Does he feel like he’s your actual older brother?
No, but he takes care of me really well.
In a previous interview with Deft, he stated that he can really feel that you guys are high schoolers and that you guys are young. Do you get pretty rowdy when all of you hang out?
We play around like normal men. We have fun, and we get rowdy.
How do you get rowdy?
We just… sing songs in the middle of the night… and have pillow fights.
...Pillow Fights?
It’s not like we have an actual pillow fight, but… I just go crazy by myself. It’s not a pillow fight, but it is at the same time, because there’s always one person that goes crazy.
I’ll keep that a secret.
...Are you the one getting beaten with a pillow?
I’m neither. I’ll keep it a secret.
Since this is your first interview, you don’t know how much you can say, right?
I can just say everything, but since it’s about someone else, I’m keeping it to myself. If it was about me, I can be open about everything.
Then can you tell us something about yourself?
I’m the type that sticks to Deft and bugs him all the time.
Alright. Lastly, can you say something to your fans?
Thank you for always cheering for our team. We may start this split with a 3 match win streak, but we’ll make sure to not get complacent and work hard. Thank you.
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