Afreeca Freecs defeated Griffin 2-0 on the second day of the 2020 League of Legends Champions Korea Spring Split. Kim “Kiin” Gi-in was relieved that they were able to win the match even if they were trailing in Game 1. After the match, he joined the press room for an interview.
How do you feel about today’s win?
Game 1 was really tough, but I feel good that we turned it over and won. That win was good momentum to win Game 2.
How did you prepare for today’s match? Are you satisfied with today’s performance and result?
Since it was the first match, we weren’t quite sure of which champions they’ll pick or how good they are. We prepared to do what we do best. I think we were able to win because we prepared well.
You played against former teammate, Ucal. How was he?
It’s been a while since I’ve seen him, but he acted as if we were still on the same team. His personality is a bit different from mine, but it was interesting. He’s a fun guy.
Your goal should be higher than last year.
I think it’s alright to set high goals. However, I don’t like to get excited too early, so I don’t get careless. I modify my goal all the time. Currently, my goal is reaching Worlds.
What do you think of Sett?
Sett is surely a top-tier champion for top lane. However, it’s different according to the composition and counters should exist.
How are SS and Mystic different?
Their decision-making is a bit different. I think the coaching staff played them according to the champion picks.
The former Afreeca Freecs was kind of a Kiin-one-man-team. Do you feel more comfortable now with your new teammates?
Players that can carry when I’m not doing well joined us, but my mindset isn't much different from last year.
Rumble was played as support in Game 2. Was it planned from the beginning?
We considered top, mid, and support for Rumble and watched how the draft went. Since it seemed best at support, we put him there. We won the game, so I’m satisfied. He even stole Baron.
Do you have any tips on playing against Ornn and where do you think Ornn is better, mid or top?
If you evade Ornn’s Q, you rarely get hit by his E, so you should evade his Q. Currently, Ornn is very good so he’s good in both mid and top lanes.
Any last comments?
We started off the season with a win. I’ll do my best to keep this rolling and continue to show good performances. Please continue to send us cheers.
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