Team Liquid bounced back from an League of Legends Championship Series Opening Day loss against Cloud9, triumphing over TSM in the final match of the very first Monday Night League broadcast.
Team Liquid Support Jo "CoreJJ" Yong-in joined Inven Global's Nick Geracie to discuss developing synergy with Shern "Shernfire" Cherng Tai in light of Mads "Broxah" Brock-Pedersen's visa issues, the differences between support play in LCS and the League of Legends European Championship, and gave some perspective on Yuri "Keith" Jew's roleswap to support for Golden Guardians.
I'm joined by Team Liquid Support CoreJJ. Congratulations on your first win of the season. On Saturday, you weren't able to win against Cloud9. Did the day off Sunday give you time to adjust before facing TSM?
There are pros and cons to having an off day in-between your LCS matches. It's good that we have more time to prepare for our second match after our game against Cloud9, because we sucked, and that's why we lost. *laughs* We were bad, but then we had the chance to improve ourselves for a day.
The downside is that it felt so bad when I lost to C9, and there was no LCS day to get any revenge. We had to wait to redeem ourselves.
Was it different playing on a Monday night instead of a Saturday or Sunday? Oftentimes, LCS teams take Monday as the off day for the week.
Yesterday, we just entirely focused on practicing. I guess this could be a bit tiring if we don't get an off-day tomorrow, or something. There is a difference in having the day off in the middle, but I'm pretty used to this schedule because in Korea, when I played in LCK, the schedule was always changing, so I don't mind it too much.
Team Liquid has had some unfortunate luck with Broxah's visa issues, but Shernfire has competed before in the OPL. What's it been like to develop synergy with Shernfire given the unexpected circumstances affecting the team right now, and what do you think of him as a Jungler?
Shernfire is a very proactive and aggressive Jungler, but for now, I'm focusing most of my efforts towards Jungle/Support synergy towards maximizing his individual ability. As you know, he's one of the solo queue king god Jungle players of the world, so I just want to help him use that.
He plays very differently from your previous Jungler, Jake "Xmithie" Puchero. Has that been an adjustment for you?
So far, it doesn't feel super different. In our LCS games, everyone has played accordingly to our plan.
Do you think keeping four of the same five starters on your roster from last season has helped your team retain synergy? Have you been able to take lessons from last year and apply them to this year?
I really hope so. Even though our team won four splits in a row, the last two of them with me on the team, I still have the same motivation I did when I first joined the team. I just want to win so bad.

Despite Team Liquid's domestic dominance, the team fell short at Worlds 2019. Does that add extra pressure to the team since winning LCS is almost an expectation for your fans at this point?
Yeah, you don't want to let fans down by not living up to their expectations. By losing our first game and not winning both, it could be bad, but maybe, after this first week, everyone will expect C9 to win the split or something. Since we are having struggles at the start, maybe now it's fine and there won't be expectations for us to win LCS.
It's only been a week, but we've already seen a staunch difference in Support play in the LCS and the LEC. Supports in NA seem to prefer the defensive, team-fight focused champions like Braum and Tahm Kench, whereas a lot of European supports are going for playmakers like Thresh, Blitzcrank, and Rakan. What's your take on the current support meta and why are we seeing a difference in preference between NA and EU?
I think the current support meta is focused on good early skirmishing and good team-fighting ability. That's why people pick Braum and try to start fights early, and then later in the game, they can still be valuable in the fight. I personally don't like the word 'aggressive' to describe a specific play. There is only a good play, or a bad play. I'm thinking of only the best play that I can do in the game.
I don't know, maybe it's because the LCS playstyle is kind of similar to LCK in that it's more controlled.
We've had some roleswaps this off-season, but the main one the community is squinting at is Golden Guardians promoting Keith to starting LCS support after a career as an AD Carry main in the LCS Academy League. As someone who has swapped from AD Carry to Support successfully, what are your thoughts on Keith's roleswap?
It's really good timing to roleswap to Support if you like it. If you like playing Support in solo queue, it's a good time to swap roles because there are no boundaries anymore. There are less boundaries between roles than there has ever been.I think AD Carries need to be crazy and fully focused on themselves, but if you want to do more proactive plays and do something other than farming CS, then I highly recommend roleswapping to Support.
What's the first bit of advice you'd give to someone who wants to roleswap from AD Carry to Support?
I guess since the player has experience positioning as an ADC, they have knowledge on how their ADC needs to play the game. For actual advice: subscribe to my YouTube channel! *laughs*
Thank you for the interview CoreJJ, I appreciate your time. Is there anything that you want to say to your fans?
Thank you for watching our games, I hope everyone enjoyed. I did not enjoy my own performance, *laughs* but I think we are hitting our stride in performance, so we will be better. I'm going to show you guys good performances, like we used to do.
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