Three new teams joined the LCS this past off-season, Dignitas, Evil Geniuses and Immortals. IMT bought out the OpTic slot, carrying over much of their staff, but completely reestablishing themselves with their roster and winning the race for Xmithie. They rounded out their return to LCS by hosting a Season Kickoff at a popular Los Angeles arcade bar, Button Mash.
The team handed out merch and gear to all the fans; IMT-teal fanny packs and bright pink hats lined the tables amidst free game tokens and bowls of M&M'S. Pinball machines lined one wall, while classic arcade games filled the rest of the space, leaving one final nook for a couple 1v1 stations, where fans tried on GLOVES and sought victory against the pros.

Every once in a while, someone would come up on a mic and call out various prizes for atendees, from GameStop giftcards to custom Immortals K-Swiss shoes. Eventually, Ovilee grabbed the mic, presenting most of the 2020 Immortals squad (Paul "sOAZ" Boyer and Jérémy "Eika" Valdenaire are still finalizing their visas) for an AMA.
Fans asked questions to the team about their goals, favorite game changes, thoughts on the new LCS schedule/format, and their favorite animes. Bot laner, Johnny "Altec" Ru, laughed about one of the challenges of the new season, "When the Ocean map is in place, sometimes I forget there's a new bush there, and then there are just five people hiding there, sooo..." But his support, Nickolas "Hakuho" Surgent, said it was his favorite for the exact same reason.

Later, a fan came up and asked Jake "Xmithie" Puchero, "When's your next Twitch stream? To which the jungler jokingly replied, "This Quarter, probably." And later when Ovilee asked him, "Are you excited to get back in to Spring? What are you most excited about?" he brought the heat responding, "I'm just really excited to play against the top teams at MSI."

Additionally, IMT General Manager, Keaton, announced there would be a new jersey for this season as well, as they make some improvements and additions to the classic ones from their first bout in LCS a couple years ago. So get excited for new IMT gear soon, and get ready for their new debut in a couple weeks as they take on FlyQuest and TSM in their first weekend. And until then, enjoy some more pics of the event.

Follow us on Twitter below for more content as we lead up to the start of the year.

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