Afreeca Freecs shut out SANDBOX Gaming 3-0 in the finals of the 2019 KeSPA Cup ULSAN. This was the first official championship for Afreeca Freecs, and a great start to the 2020 season. After the match, the team gathered for an interview with the media.
Many people said that your performance wasn’t quite that good in the round of 16 of the tournament. It seems your performance changed completely in the DRX match. What was the motivation?
Spirit: I think our team delivered stable performances that our team wanted to show from the round of 16. It may have seemed rather unstable to the people who watched, though. We prepared this tournament as a process to build up our synergy. It went well, and we were able to win. I’m thankful to the coaching staff that led us.
iloveoov: Players gain more experience from games on stage a lot more than what they get from practice and scrims. And they gain more from wins than losses. If you look at Jelly, you can see that he became more solid as he played. I’ll do my best to improve the team through actual fights and practice like actual fights.
Why did you keep playing Jelly?
iloveoov: Rather than who’s the starting member, I considered the team’s synergy, winning possibility, etc. It hasn’t been long since Ben joined, but Jelly had been playing in the team for quite a while now.
(To Spirit) Your performance was similar to your peak. Even so, you weren’t awarded the MVP.
Spirit: I think I was really bad during my peak. I was alright for a bit, but I don’t think that I was better than now. I improved every year. Those improvements stood out in this competition. I still think I should put in more effort. And it’s natural that I didn’t get the MVP. We have Kiin in our team. It’s not regretful at all.
(To Mystic) Fans say that you improved with the ‘wife buff’ like last year’s Doinb.
Mystic: The influence of my wife is big, but the baby is bigger. I need to maintain my prowess for the baby to eat well and grow well (Laughs).
How is it different playing here from the LPL?
Mystic: In China, I usually played very selfishly. Here, communication is great, so I’m fitting in with the team more.
(To Fly) You’re quite under-evaluated compared to what you have. Can you brag a bit about your strengths?
Fly: I think my biggest strength is that playing while making shotcalls often since I know how to read my teammates’ movements. I’m good at absorbing opponents’ damage while playing tanky champions like I did today with Ornn. I think my playstyle will change accordingly to the meta champions’ characteristics.
(To Mystic) Some people say that the current Afreeca is similar to the style of ‘17 WE.
Mystic: The meta is different, and I think the team style is different as well. Here, all lanes can carry. We play and manage the game slowly while talking within the team.
(To Kiin) How do you feel winning the MVP?
Kiin: I feel good that I got the MVP as well as the championship. I won’t be satisfied with today and keep working hard so that I can aim for Worlds.
(To Jelly) You often played Braum well, what do you think of Braum? What are your thoughts about competing with Ben for the starting spot?
Jelly: I don’t have any thoughts whatsoever about Braum. I try to fit my picks or playstyle to what the coaches tell me to do. I’m competing with Ben for the starting spot; I think I played for now because I’ve been in the team for longer and I have better teamwork. Ben also has his advantages being aggressive. We’ll probably share time to have a positive effect on the team.
(To Kiin) You dominated the game by utilizing your Teleport in bot lane multiple times.
Kiin: I used my TP when it seemed like a proper situation. It depends on the player’s style to use the first TP back to the lane or somewhere else. I wanted to have a wider view on the game so I try not to use it to get back to my lane.
Any goals for the 2020 season?
Spirit: We have a good start by winning the KeSPA Cup, but this is just the beginning. I want to conclude this year with a championship. I’ll do my best. We lacked in several parts today; I think the reason we won was because of the fans’ cheering. Please look forward to our performance and continue cheering for us.
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